Bonding and tackifying luxury floor covering
Luxury floor coverings of all kinds are top sellers in flooring. Here, attractive designs and high durability come together. Adhering luxury floor coverings provides significant advantages for the installer and the final customer. Dimensional changes are reduced due to the firm bond, and it can better accommodate static and dynamic stress. It also improves the impact sound. Luxury floor coverings are easy, secure, and fast to adhere with adhesives from UZIN. In areas with less traffic or areas that have to be converted again quickly, tackifiers from UZIN are the right choice for ergonomic and secure installation of luxury flooring.
Bonding and tackifying luxury floor covering
UZIN KE 68 T 1-Component STP Adhesive for Wall Applications
1-Comp. hybrid adhesive for floor and wall applications
- ideal consistency for working on vertical surfaces
- for installers with PUR or epoxy sensitization
- for areas with high temperatures
- suitable for wet area LVT installations, surface water must be removed within 24 h